“All Hands on Deck” starts Dec. 1, 2016!

“All Hands on Deck” by Robin Duncan
a 9-Week Coaching Series for

Those Who Want To Make A Difference!
For Details & RegistrationClick Here

Are You Ready?
  • Do you know what to do if the “unexpected” happens & fear increases?
  • Are you equipped to calm others & help them stand strong in their faith?
  • Do you feel ROCK SOLID in your capacity to hear & act on Higher Guidance?
  • Are you clear on ‘what part is yours’ and ‘what part belongs to Holy Spirit’?
  • Do you know how to get rid of the static that may block you from hearing?
You might already be feeling the nudge to kick up your level of prayer, spiritual focus, attention, and Higher listening. Your clarity about what to do and how to move forward is more important now than ever before.

If you felt drawn to read this, you are already a “Messenger of Love” in our world. You are not here by accident. Mostly likely, you are already helping others, even during those times when you had nothing left to give. With this 9-Week Series, you will learn how to lighten your load, reclaim your energy for the trail, and narrow your focus to only the much-needed essentials.  

This is the LAST CALL for those who want to participate in the “All Hands on Deck” Series
by Robin Duncan

>>> Starts December 1, 2016! <<<
Replays will be available

Priced to fit any budget Please Join US!
For More Details & RegistrationClick Here

No one will be turned away for financial reasons.
Please join us by requesting a scholarship, if needed. Your help is needed!